
Professional Acting Coaching

What is the formula for a professional acting career? Let me tell you my secret formula: love, discipline, passion, skills & constant training.

If you're looking to take your acting career to the next level, I'm here to help. I offer professional one-on-one acting coaching services to help you reach your goals. I'm a professional actor and coach with over 10 years of experience in the industry.

My services include:

• Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your individual needs and goals

• Professional advice and guidance on script analysis and character development

• Tips and guidance on audition technique, cold reading and improvisation

• Professional feedback and direction on performance, vocal and physical expression

• Access to professional resources

Take advantage of my special offer: 1 session of coaching for only $50 and 3 sessions for $120!

This offer includes my personalized coaching plan, which will take you through the journey of success and help you maximize your potential. You will receive feedback and personalized tips for your improvement, as well as the opportunity to practice and hone your skills.

Contact me today to get started!

Investment: $70 /hour.

Kondaira Journaling

Kondaira means legend in Basque/Euskera language.

This Creative Writing Workshop focuses on exploring your own story as legend, myth, fairytale or folk tale.

Who are you? What brings you joy? What represents a challenge for you? What narrative have you or others being saying to yourself? How do you want to see or explore your journey? This is a trip into self-compassion, self-knowledge and creative healing.


- Guided creative exercises and personalized coaching

- Guided visualizations for relaxation and groundedness

- Support for finding your inner voice

- Time to write and share

- A safe and judgment-free space


  • $80/ per PERSON in group session -Excellent for team building, friends, families and couples. *Minimum 4 people

  • $120 / individually customized 75 MIN session.

“Tessie’s talent with body-work, healing & meditation is unique, gentle, inviting, inclusive, creative, inspiring, judgment-free & fun! Her energy is so nurturing and I am always surprised and grateful to come away from each session feeling not only more in tune with myself, but also with a gift. A little gem of truth, comfort & support that I didn’t even know to ask for. At once I feel more aligned with myself & with nature and the world around me. She leads with grace, love & kindness. ”